The 700,000$ Nissan Juke-R: Soaring Price
The Nissan Juke-R has a soaring price of autos ever present in the world. However, this soaring price stems form the fact that it is a perfect auto from different aspects. Firstly, referring to size this car is a compact one. It is medium – not very big not too small. Furthermore, it is suitable enough for multipurpose function auto. Although it looks like Toyota Corolla it is slightly different. Honestly, many auto fans do like the former much more than the later for many reasons. Firstly, the strength, Nissan Juke-R is a very strong auto that can bear lots of problems. Furthermore, it can cross long distances quiet easily.
The Appearance of Nissan Juke-R
Nissan Juke-R looks very smart because of the decoration that the designers used. Referring to the front of the car it has a sporty appearance. The second thing, there is a very long line the rotates the car from all sides. This long line decorates the car with a red color. Furthermore, it makes a kind of a striking harmony with the side mirrors of the car. To clarify more, the color of the long line is red, as well as, the color of the side mirrors.
The front of the car also has perfect design and decoration. The lamps are circular and they are very large. This size is important to light the road during dark nights. Surprisingly, the side signals look like the eyes of a crocodile. This feature is very unique and is not present in other autos. Not only this, but these crocodile-like eyes help in clearly lightening the road. This is because of the fact that the designers used LTD lights technology in this auto. In conclusion, these crocodile-like eyes auto have no any competitor.