Significant Raise: Dubai Autos-Rental Sector
The autos-rental sector of Dubai witnessed a significant raise in the first portion of 2022. A rough estimate for that growth is 23.7%. In comparison to the previous year in the same section, expertise built their estimate. However, this significant increase is due to many factors that corresponds to this dramatic change. Accordingly, the number of registered companies in autos rental sector reached 1,087. Autos that remained unregistered for so long, now instantly gain registration. Another estimation for the between the two periods that is to say 2021 and 2022 is great. In comparison, the registered autos in Dubai increased by 11.8 percent just between the former and the later years.
As previously mentioned that the number of registered cars increased, it reached 78 thousand autos. Absolutely, this is a great number of autos’ registration. If we compare this great boosted to the previous year, it was only 69. So, the difference between the two years is exactly 9 thousand autos’ registration. In the past, there was no so huge numbers of registered autos. Most importantly, this will reduce the probability of accidents on roads. This is because of the fact that registered autos admit to mechanical and computational check before license.
The reason behind this development is that Dubai encouraged many companies for financial development. Of significant interest, the Road and Transport Authority played an important role, putting this process at ease. In turn, this will alleviate the hard responsibility upon the shoulders of RTA. In other words, these private companies will do lots of procedural work of license. RTA can make use of this spare time and effort in achieving other developments and achievements. Finally, Abdullah Yousef, Executive Director of the Licensing Agency at the RTA showed a great appreciation.