Top Automobile Manufacturers

Roads around the world everyday host new cars. From time to time, automobile owners increase and companies say farewell to their prestigious autos. But has anyone of those owners asked himself or herself this question: who is the top automobile manufacturer? Companies are in swift rush for producing state-of-the-arts auto that leap in the auction platform of cars exhibition.
There are four companies at the peak of top motors manufacturers. These companies are Volkswagen Group, Toyota Group, Renault Nissan Alliance and General Motors. After a long history to striving and hard work the previous companies crept upon the ladder of success. The top auto manufacturer world wide is Volkswagen Group.


Volkswagen Group vs. Toyota Group
Both are well-known around the world by their good reputation. German cars companies including Volkswagen have the feature of being solid and long lasting. This why people around the world in general and business men are in rush for gaining a German car. On the other hand, Toyota autos are not less than their counterparts being strong and luxurious.




Renault Nissan Alliance vs. General Motors
The former is the third worldwide cars producer and the latter is the fourth. All of them are perfect cars the invade cars’ showroom in many countries. Being a Japanese company, Nissan in a blink of eye developed and find its way to be a top ranged company. Not to mention the same characteristic General Motors furnished a considerable plat form in the UAE. And since then, American cars hit the sky of the UAE. In conclusion, to make sure that you are not baffled when buying a car, choose one from these top ranged companies.

Noiseless Electric Cars

No doubt that electric cars are preferable options for most motorists around the world. They are ideal when it comes to temperature levels reduction on the atmosphere and so on.  However, they have some drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is that they are soundless. It is something perfect, but the problem is that they put pedestrian at a state of risk. According to this, some electric cars designers suggest that there should be buzzing device attached to the E-car. The reason behind this is to make these electric cars look like fueled ones.

Safety Promotion

Have you ever out of the blue find an auto stopped behind you? If yes, it must be an electric car. As far as safety is concerned, electric autos are soundless. In order to get rid of this problem, some electric car designers attach a sound emitter to these autos. The function of this sound emitter is to produce a sound just like petrol-fueled cars. By this token, those designers can be certain that pedestrian are safe.



Unlike petrol-fueled autos, electric cars will not cost you an arm and a leg. They are cost-effective and at the same time they are environmentally friendly. So far, the world suffered a lot from global-warming, a problem that escalates everyday. The massive production of electric autos will hopefully solve this complex problem. Since E-autos are futuristic, petrol stations may disappear completely. One of the most attractive features of E-cars is that you can charge them anywhere. No need to cross long distances hunting petrol. In conclusion, the environment will never get any harm from electric automobiles.

Feel at Home with Mercedes Benz V Class VIP Design

Have you every thought about owning a mobile-home? Mercedes Benz V Class VIP is suitable for owning a car which looks like home. It is not a car that takes you form home to work or elsewhere. But it is a genuine place to take rest, complete tasks, eating, drinking and the list goes on. This automotive is nicely designed. All the utensils that you find at home are present here. You can adjust the chairs as you like, move them forward backward and diagonally.

Diverse Range of Services

From all other companies and models, Mercedes Benz V Class offers motorists a diverse range of services. One of these services is Mobilo and there are lots of services that stem out of this one. On-the-spot assistance aims at avoiding accidents. If the driver would like to pass over another car, the blind spot assistance function well here. It warns the driver about other cars that are present on the other lane of the road. Other services are accommodation for overnight, free towing and vehicle replacement.

Astonishing Design

As I have just mentioned that Mercedes Benz V Class VIP Design makes you feel at home, it does so. From inside it looks just like a bedroom. There are table at the side of the car that you can adjust for having food or drink. Then they get back to provide you with so more space. The lighting on the roof also gives the car a distinguishable view. To put it in a nutshell, Mercedes Benz V Class VIP Design responds positively to elites’ demands.



Fake Speed Humps in the UAE

Virtual 3D Speed Humps

Have you ever heard about fake speed humps? So far, the whole world suffered from accidents that happen as a result of top speed driving. Motorists tend to drive swiftly through roads even near hospitals and schools and residential areas. As a result, many accidents occurred resulting in million life loss of pedestrians. It seems to be that the only solution to get rid of this problem is to install lots of speed humps. But the problem is that some motorists do not spot these speed humps from far distances.

Real Speed Humps

Decades ago, road traffic authorities used real speed humps to compel drivers to slow down near people intense areas. However, many motorists fell victims of not spotting these speed humps from far distances. They sometimes commit accidents as they try to avoid the speed humps that appear to them suddenly. This means unless the driver uses medium speed or have a prior knowledge, these speed humps are not avoidable. What is the ideal solution then?

Fake Speed Humps

In order to solve the previous problem, Sekisui Jushi Corporation made a giant step. It is a Japanese Road Traffic company. Firstly, the implication of this novice idea started at the city of Philadelphia. The most important thing is that even ambulance and emergency cars can go unobstructed. However, once drivers came across these artificial humps, they may not speed down the next time. Anyhow motorist will at least have a sense of hesitation. To put it in a nutshell, virtual 3D speed humps are perfect solutions to compel speeders slowing down. Ambulances and emergency autos can pass safely!

2020 Porsche Cayenne Hits the UAE’s Showrooms

Have you ever thought about owning 2020 Porsche Cayenne? If the answer is yes, this blog is for you and congratulation before buying it. One of the state-of-the-arts auto is 2020 Porsche Cayenne. The interior and exterior are so glamorous. Although it is an SUV, the car attracts lots of motorists’ interest. It is so appealing. The high tech, dynamic and genuine design positions Cayenne in the platform of luxurious automobiles.


Youthful Design

The steep roof-line gives the car a youthful look. Not only this, but the shape of the bonnet, wings and so on provides the car an athletic view. The perfect design appears in the angularities of the auto. They are all bent in a stylish way that attracts peoples’ attention. The car serves various functions. It is suitable for off-road driving, slippery and muddy grounds.




2020 Porsche Cayenne is expensive to some extent. Like all other luxurious cars, Cayenne may cost you an arm and a leg. However, this price is relatively acceptable comparatively with the other autos in the showrooms. The price starts from $ 75,300 for Cayenne Coupe to $ 130,100 for Turbo Coupe. Be expensive or cheap, this auto is luxurious it deserves high price. To put it in a nutshell, the 2020 Porsche Cayenne Coupe has a perfect and stylish design. This glamorous youthful appearance and reasonable cost make it claim the success ladder. Therefore, it hits the UAE’s exhibition rooms and it seem that it will last forever.


Toyota Tacoma 2020

So far, the world becomes thirsty for getting a perfect automotive that suits various situations and atmospheres. Toughness is not enough for the upcoming generations. They would rather prefer an auto with the previous description and high-tech at the same time. In order to bring into existence such a car, Toyota launches an iconic automobile; Toyota Tacoma 2020. This model is not characterized of being ridge, but there are lots of features present in it. This auto comes as a response to the world cry.

State-of-the-art Cameras

In most motors, cameras are fixed somewhere: front or rear. Their aim to provide drivers with crystal clear vision as well as far distances. Believe it or not Toyota Tacoma 2020 locates a camera at the lower part of the car that provides the driver with ground picture. So, in off-road driving, motorists do not need to go down to know whether the tires stuck or not. This is one of the features of off-road driving that puts Toyota Tacoma 2020 in the platform of iconic autos.


Engaging Sound System

Shedding the light on the upgrades, Toyota Tacoma 2020 has high-res 8-in. This provides the driver with a very high resolution just like iPhone 6. Therefore, photos, radio, videos, maps messages become crystal clear. Beside all these features Toyota Tacoma 2020 has a handsome appearance. The bonnet, bumper, left and right sides and the interior are so glamorous. The headlights and taillights are stylish and eye-catchy. To put it in a nutshell Toyota Tacoma 2020 is irresistible, stylish and dazzling.


Autos Manufacturing Process


Everyday we rid automobiles, whether they are ours or public transportation. But have you every asked yourself how these luxurious autos are manufacture? All these motors go across lots of complicated processes, before they appear at exhibitions. However, cars’ manufacturing passes through great deal of step, but they can be put simply into five steps. At cars factories robotic systems and very skillful workers work hand on hand and they liaise together.


The Framework

The most important part in the car is the chassis upon where all parts are fixed. The robotic system and very skillful workers work hand on hand. Nobody can deny the fact that this is the most essential step among all the others. The reason behind this is that if there is any defect it results in     re-manufacturing the car. In other words, it compels the manufacturer to start from block one.

Body & Paints

The second step is installing body parts into the frame. The main parts are the roof, bonnet, boot, bumpers, wings…etc. The robotic system plays a vital role in installing all these parts. On the other hand, paint works do not take so long because it is the easiest step in car manufacturing.


Interior and Chassis Pairing

After completing paint works, the robotic system with workers aids install interior parts. There are lots of tiny parts to fix before going to the next step. Some of the components are wiring’s

, steering, carpeting…etc. However, all these parts should be put harmoniously. All in all, cars’ manufacturing process is very complicated.


Beating High Temperatures in the UAE

As summer characterized by high levels of temperature, motorist have to know some aware. The levels of temperature during winter and the other seasons are not like summer. In this season, temperature levels are always above forty degrees Celsius. In some places in the UAE, temperature levels exceed sixty centigrade. Therefore, the car’s interior, exterior and the engine experience high levels of temperature. There are lots of things that motorists have to check during this season.

A/C Check

During winter most cars’ A/C work like a dream even if there are some problems related to it. This happens because of the fact that the weather itself is already cold. The A/C exerts little effort for cooling the car, unlike in summer. Anyhow, if the A/C is not working properly you have to consult a technician. The problem always relates to the gas and the compressor. Having the gas and the compressor checked, the technician can easily detect the problem.



Suitable Parking

One of the most important factors that plays an essential role on A/C preservation is ideal parking. No doubt that at many places in the UAE motorists can find ideal place of parking. However, sometimes motorists find very restricted options for parking. This may compel them to park hypothetically at a sunny place. From this point problems related with A/C systems start. High levels of temperatures help the gas to leak gradually. As a result, the ability of the A/C system for blowing cold air becomes weak.

In conclusion, checking the gas and the compressor of the A/C system is the key for driving in summer. Finding an ideal parking helps the A/C keeping the gas for a long time. Enjoy your summer driving now!

A/C System’s Secrets in the UAE

It is not surprising that levels of temperature nowadays escalate significantly to very high levels. This affects negatively on the A/C of the auto. Here are some secrets that help you to keep these problems behind. You can spend all this summer without visiting a technician! However, if your A/C is powerful enough for cooling the car, them these secrets are not for you!

Chasing Heat Out Quickly

Firstly, you have to keep windows partially open. This allows some air to get into the car, resulting in generating additional cold. You should open both sides of the car’s windows equally. No worries, there are not black points for this! Another interesting secret for blowing cold air is opening the door. Of course, you do not have to do this while driving or leaving the car. But before you ride your auto open the doors for 5 to 10 minutes. Give it a try, and you will find it so surprising.



Leather Seats & Wraps

Another way for keeping cars cool during summer is to utilize leather seats and wraps. Scientifically, leather is a perfect material for absorbing heat. For this reason, motorists should use leather seats. If your car does not have leather seats, you can just buy leather wraps for them. This is cost effective and an ideal solution for you.

To put it in a nutshell, problems and solutions always go hand on hand. The ideal way to cool your car in summer is to open car’s windows partially. Before driving off leave the doors open for approximately 5-10 minutes. Finally, use leather seats and wraps.

Warning for Holiday-goers in the UAE

Strapped luggage on cars’ roof in the UAE is not a novice sight. Travelling is one of the unstoppable habits of UAE holiday-goers. But the problem is that sometimes those holiday-goers take lots of luggage on their cars roof. Those motorists are undoubtedly very skillful drivers. They can drive so fast without committing accidents. But the problem is that loading cars roof with so many luggage comes at the expense of safe driving. The Road Traffic Authority RTA warns motorists not to carry suitcases above the height of 60 cm.



Carrying lots of luggage on cars’ roofs could make the autos loses its balance. For instance, when there is wind that hits constantly against the car, the auto may partially lose its control. Therefore, traffic authorities in the UAE have warned motorists not to fall victim of this negative aspect of driving. Not only tourists carry lots of suitcases on their cars roof, but some residents and do so as well.




Paved Roads & Off-road Driving

On paved roads drivers speed up undoubtedly. They may forget about the heavy load suitcases that they are carrying. As the car goes in a top gear drive, the luggage becomes lighter. As a result, the wind can easily take them off the roof, and the rear car’s windscreen damages. In off-road driving, carrying lots of luggage on cars roof may upside down the car. This may happen because there are lots of ground holes that these cars come across.

In conclusion, carrying luggage above a height of 60 cm in the UAE road is not permissible. RTA advises motorists to adhere to traffic law and avoid getting black points.