Pros/Cons of Remote Vehicle Shutdown

There are many pros and cons of Remote Vehicle Shutdown. Before talking about the pros/cons of this valuable device, we have to consider the bright side. It assisted the Traffic Police a lot in finding out about stolen cars. However, this valuable support relates to the Traffic Authority. There are many other users that gain benefit from this novice device as well. They are auto-lender and auto-borrowers to some extent. Anyway, this novel idea will not fade away without great support. All motorists, in general, and car-lenders, in specific, generated incalculable benefits from this advice.


There are many cons related to the utilization of this novel device. One of these disadvantages is that the-lender may shutdown the car in an inappropriate place. For instance, there are many car-borrowers argued that some car-lenders locked down their car in road crossing. Not only this, but they say at that time the traffic sign was red. Accordingly, the suitable decision for auto-owners at the right time is always reasonable. In order to avoid such embarrassing cases, car lender should inform that drivers about any action in advanced. This will help that borrowers to take early decision whether to repay or back the car at the right time.

Embarrassing Cases

New York Times mentioned that there are some auto-borrower feel frustrated. They become so because their cars disabled when they were on their way for paying that sum of money. The complex problem appears when disabling cars when they are in their way to hospital. Hence, this is not only embarrassing, but rather it is problematic. Because of the fact that the person who would like to reach the hospital may develop some complex symptoms. Anyhow, car-lenders should put all these obstacles in consideration before disabling the car.

Precautions for Motorist When Driving Out

There are incalculable precautions the motorist should do when they drive out. So far, we explained that many people should stay well protected. Specially, drivers should carry out lots of things to stay safe. These precautions include: a distance of two meters, abstaining from handshaking, sterilizing the car and so on. Let us start by the first precaution. It is keeping a distance of two meters. Instead, motorists can just wear a facial mask as a substitute of the two meters. Furthermore, this is a very important precaution to carry out.

Protective Facial Mask  

The facial mask that motorist should wear is a special one. There are some preservative procedures that motorist should do. This will help them to make a perfect use of the protective facial masks. However, drivers should use the preventive mask for only once. After that, they should through it into the garbage. Secondly, they should avoid touching it with their hands. This is because the virus may be attached to it. For guaranteed prevention, they should not wear that for more times. It is true that there are some reusable ones. But they are not easily to give a clear-cut answer that they are protective.

High Hygiene

The other important action that motorist should take is following a perfect hygiene. Firstly, all drivers should clean their car in daily bases. From time to time, drivers have to utilize alcohol, because they form a barrier. In general, alcohol proved to be very effective in cleaning surfaces of objects. However, the method of following a perfect hygiene is very complex. Even if, motorist cleaned interior and exterior parts, still there is a problem tangled. This problem relates to the tyres which constantly rub against the ground.

Pitfalls in Car Buying During Full-shutdown

There are pitfalls in car buying during Corona virus full shutdown. There are some buyers that already paid some sums of their instalments for buying a car. The car that they intend to buy can be new or old. Anyhow, motorists should not panic at all. Since these situations are unprecedented, there are lots of unprecedented solutions as well. Any payment which remains unpaid, there is a chance of paying it in a form of deferred instalments. Of course, there is not option of paying that in cash. Motorists should pay that through their bank account.

Following Up

Not only that, but purchasers can receive a cutback as well. The reason behind this cutback is to help them pay the reset of their instalments quickly. On the other hand, this is a kind of indirect assistance because of Covid19. The overwhelming majority of automakers have set plans for payment deferral. However, you have to liaise with them to know a lot about that. Moreover, a lot of auto drivers can understand the reason of that restriction. This is not to confine people at home and let streets free of people.

Financial Support

On the other hand, if a person paid a sum of money, s/he can withdraw that easily. In order to withdraw that sum of money, you have to order that from your direct lender. However, the problem that if you leave that cash, there can be a difference in exchange lat. In other words, the value of your cash isn’t always stable. It can increase or decrease according to the local market. In this case, the ideal way to invest your money is to withdraw it now. Then, you can invest that capital in any other business. This is the ideal solution!

Have You Heard of Autos Check-points?

Many people started to hear about autos check-points in the UAE. However, they are not check-points that used for collecting tickets or something like that. But they are rather used to check drivers’ body heat. Furthermore, it is one of the most effective ways for checking drivers’ heat without consuming lots of time. One of the most astonishing things is that you can get the result within only five minutes. There is no delay at all. Once the driver gets in the check-point the system gets the percentage of heat of the driver. To make use of time, drivers get their Covid19 result within five minutes only.

Speed & Safety

Conducting information in such astonishing way is quicker and safer for both: drivers and NHS workers alike. For the drivers, they will be safe because of the fact that all that work is computerized. Which means all of the traditional methods are in rest, technology speaks aloud. On the other hand, the NHS staff will remain safe. They will not be in direct contact with drivers. Fortunately, this will reduce the risk of infection by 100%, and it will provide lot of spare time.

Virtual Identification System

During the full shutdown, there are some governmental personal that do their compulsory job. They should continue achieving their tasks regardless of the full shutdown. In this case, the virtual identification system is suitable enough. This system allows all VIPs and essential governmental personals to pass swiftly through all parts of cities. For people in general they can gain their results in five minutes. While for those who are governmental personals, they can go immediately. Their governmental authorities can gain their employees’ results by the app of Rapid Pass. In conclusion, prevention is better than cure.

Be Safe, Use FFP Protection Classes

We advise you to be safe and use FFP protection. There are many unseen particles and aerosols hanging in the air, and they are dangerous to our health. Therefore, you can use FFP to protect yourself from that risk. No body can deny the fact that they are very harmful for peoples’ general health. Furthermore, they cause problems related to the respiratory system. They attract the attention to the fact that nowadays there is an escalating health issue. This health issue relates to the respiratory system, i.e. Covid19. Accordingly, health advisors have a very high concern with any sickness related to breathing.

Respiratory Mask

In the past, when many people suffered a big problem related to air-filters, there was a gigantic leap. This long leap done by many factories that compete in motorist’s personal protection. These air filters have the same characteristics of EU specification. Of course, the specifications of the EU are the ideal ones worldwide. Therefore, there is no any doubt in their quality. Accordingly, motorists should install these air filter in order to be healthier. Air pollution is one of the most effective reason behind contracting virus diseases. Not only these but the exposure of auto drivers to air pollution is immense.

Some Features

The FFP which stands for Filter Face Pieces; however, they do not formulate protection against gas. The most important thing is that it filters the air from all particles, including germs. On the other hand, motorists should not feel negative toward this trait. It is the only negative aspect that these kinds of filters have. Since the advantages of these filters overtake their disadvantages; motorists should utilize it. Later on, a modified type of filters may show off.  Lastly, the utilization of FFP filters has incalculable advantages.

For Disinfection Don’t Utilize Hydrogen Peroxide

There are many motorists that often utilize hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting their car’s parts. However, this kind of chemical proved by many scientists that it is very harmful. Furthermore, it damages the surface of your interior including screens and glasses of windows and the frontier one. In order to avoid such kind of harm and danger, use a sanitizer which many automakers recommend. In addition to this, do not depend solely on that, ask those how used a surface-sanitizer before. They will surely provide you with tested information and thorough experience.

Touch Screens

Of course, you may not face any problem related to cleaning other parts of your car, except touch screens. On the other hand, these kinds of parts require special way for cleaning as well as special glass-spray. The most important thing is not to rub hard against touch screens, because you will scratch them. Do not use any chemical, but utilize eyeglass cleaner. In addition to using a lint-free cloth. This kind of soft cloth help all screens in your car to remain unscratched. Ammonia is very damaging for your touch screens. Therefore, you should not clean touch screens with any solution that contain ammonia, because it is abrasive. Micro-fabric cloth is perfect to use for cleaning in general.



Many drivers believe that any kind of facemask can protect them against the virus. However, this is not true. A classic fabric cloth will not protect the person who wears it against contracting the virus. However, it can reduce the risk of someone who is infected form infecting others. Even the classic facial-mask sold at pharmacies is not genuine. Anyway, these are the most important things that all motorists should put into consideration. In conclusion, be safe and stay at home.

From Traditional Battery-powered Autos to Electric

Autos world goes from traditional battery-powered autos to electric ones. The reason behind this swift shift is power sources. In recent years, the striking majority of countries will go electric. You may ask why will the overwhelming majority of countries go electric? Simply, because of the swift change in power sources. The world seems to run out of petrol which supplies, now, about 90% of autos’ power. Furthermore, the world is in state of cold-war, in reference to, accessing natural power sources. These natural power sources are: petrol, gas and so many other secondary sources.

Idealistic Solution

As an ideal solution, electric cars appear to alleviate the problem that the world is suffering. However, there are many people believe that electric cars are not the perfect response to tangled problems. As the reality always lays somewhere in between, EVs are not the perfect solution. They have some pros as well as some cons. One of its pros is that it puts petrol aside, and it utilizes electric city. This is a perfect advantage. However, the advantages over take the disadvantages. Therefore, EVs will replace petrol-powered autos in the recent future.

EVs Pros

I mentioned previously that electric autos are reasonable substitute to petrol-powered ones. In manufacturing electric cars, auto makers have used novice technologies and up-to-date devices. These two things guarantee that passengers a very comfortable with electric cars. Referring to distance, EV can cross lots of mile with a battery fully charged. To clarify more, these types of autos can cross approximately six miles with a battery fully charged. In addition, the lightings of E-cars are totally different than the ordinary ones. The lightings can provide you double the quality of traditional autos. Anyhow, it is advisable for you to own an EV.

Biometric Vehicle Access: Autos Novice Innovation

There is a novice autos’ innovation named Biometric Vehicle Access. This kind of novice access says goodbye to traditional auto-lock. The main reason of the new development is to provide more safety and security for autos. How does that system work? It is simple, when the driver arrives near the car, it switches automatically. To put it very clear, the center-lock works by pressing that key. Instead of that the car senses its owner alone by the automatic connection from car to owner. However, there are some waves between the car and the key which the car owner holds.

Top Security

You may ask a question, what about if a thief stole the car? The answer is simple if a thief stole the auto, it will not switch on with him. This is because of the fact that there is another security check-point. That security check-point is finger print at the dashboard. To clarify more, when the driver approaches the car, s/he has to do the finger print. By doing this s/he can switch the car on and driver. However, there are two ways for locking on the car’s engine. The first one done by the finger-print and the second one done by eye -print.

Various Options

Even though, this is a smart way for generating more security, there are other perfect ones. The other wide diverse option is that you can adjust the locking-system to more than one eye/finger print. For instance, if a car owner has another partner, he can add her eye/finger to the system. Once her finger print is added to the system, she can use the car. What amusing system! To put it in a nut shell, autos’ novice central-lock is essential in enhancing security and it is trustable.

Autos Up-to-date Technology: Active Window

Autos world witness up-to-date new technologies such as Active Window Displays. This tech enables the driver to project distances that a head of him/her. However, this is the best way for displaying information without distracting drivers. In the past, there was a screen attached to the dashboard which presents information to the motorist. However, this way is very risky, because of the fact that it distracts the motorist. At the same time, it is a traditional way that auto-makers no longer use. Therefore, people should use the most recent technological autos’ aspect.

Huge Difference

The difference between the traditional and state-of-the-arts display method is incomparably huge. In ancient time, drivers have to look at the screen in order to know about the danger ahead. This is a kind of distraction itself, because of the fact that the driver has to ignore the road for a while. At this time, lots of difference will take place. As a result, a dreadful accident may happen, and the main goal remains unachieved. Now we can say that logically that this is not a safe way for informing drivers about an upcoming risk. There are another two methods remain.

Idealistic Method  

Previously, the ideal method for displaying information is through the dashboard. However, it is also imperfect idea. The suitable approach is the so-called Active Window Displays. This system enables screen shell to exhibit information about distances of road turns and so on clearly. So, the driver finds the information in front of him. There is no need to look at the dashboard or the screen attached to it. All road information is between your eyes! Accordingly, you will enjoy swift easy driving. To conclude, the Active Window Display is one of the most essential autos’ novice technology.

A Wide Array of Autos Technologies

Autos have a wide array of technologies that motorists can use to enjoy luxurious life. In the past, I was like a dream to formulate self-driving cars. However, with the brilliant auto makers and well-educated scientists, it became possible. One of the obstacles that faced auto maker is that any country has its own traffic rules. Therefore, there is no way for car-makers to manufacture a certain make for all countries, worldwide. As a result, they started to manufacture a wide diverse kind of autos. The main aim of this manufacturing diversity is to suit each countries’ road rules and conditions.

Some Dilemmas

There are many dilemmas that encounter automatic autos, such as, Mercedes S-class. It is clear that this is a German car with Germanic specifications. However, the testing of the self-driving type of this car took place in USA. At first, that car faced many problems in order to cope with the American driving environment. But what is the solution then? Should Germans modify it, in order to comply with the specification of American autos’ style? There answer is simply no. There are some radars and three cameras that are responsible for adjusting all that swift road changes.

Adjusting Different Conditions

This previous mentioned auto has the ability to adjust itself with road’s conditions. This is because of the radar system and the three cameras. They work interchangeably, in order to gather information, form the environment. The second step is to process these data and rapidly responds to it. In other words, the system of that car interprets that information, translating them to the fact ground. Maps and GPS are the guidance of that motor. To put it in a nut shell, drivers should just adjust their maps and that is all!!!