Driving in Bad Weather
Sometimes the weather becomes rainy, windy or cloudy. In each case, there are some safety measures that any driver should put into consideration. In rainy weather, drivers have to avoid tailgating and brake when turning. These are important because of the fact that driving on dry roads is totally different from driving on wet ones.
Tailgating Avoidance
In dry roads, the efficiency of cars’ brake and tyres can be very high. But this is unlikely to be the same on watery ones. Some water may get into the wheels and the brake system, affecting their efficiency. Furthermore, when pressing the brake, the tyres will not enable the auto to stop immediately. They will slide a little or more according to the speed of the car. For these reasons the avoidance of tailgating is a must.
Brake & Turns
The most important thing when driving in bad weather is slowing down. This will enable the car to perform better. I have stated in the previous section that the brake system and the tyres will be affected by slippery roads. Therefore, you should leave enough safety distance between you and other cars. Above all, you have to avoid using the brake when taking a turn. Because the vehicle will be vulnerable to sliding.
To put it in a nut shell, driving in bad weather is a skill, which requires applying a lot of dos and don’ts. Tailgating avoidance as well as brake when taking a turn are key factors for avoiding accidents. Or at least they will assist you a lot to take full control of your car.